Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nanjing ChinaJoy Cosplay 2012: Day 3

Someone told me to attend the second day, but I'm too lazy to wake up so... Sorry orz

Today I attended the cosplay again. I went at 8AM (too see the Vocaloid theme which I thought will start at 9AM), but what did I see when I arrived?

A large queue!

And there's more! Moreover, it's a rainy morning ^^;

Monday, April 30, 2012

Nanjing ChinaJoy Cosplay 2012: Day 1

Long time no see guys ;) How have you been?

Anyway today I went to the Nanjing (Jiangsu, actually.) CJ Cosplay 2012. I saw the poster on XinJieKou's fashion lady and I took a pic of the schedule @@ And then I went there this morning, and it was true after all!

There's many cosplayers on day 1, though I only know about one third of them ^^; I took about 110+ pictures but I will take 25+ of them since uploading 110 pics is too much of a hassle @@

Enough chit-chatting, you want pics? Here you go~ As always, click Read more to view all the pics! And click on the pics to enlarge.

~Edit on 01.28am GMT+8 = Added 4 more pics~

Ehh, there's plenty of them o.o 

Thursday, March 22, 2012



Lately I've been into a fairly new (not really) online game called SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online, although probably some of you already known it...

Oh well, this third-person shooter game's fun, easy to play (for you FPS and TPS players), and pretty balanced (cash user is not too overpowered), I'd say. Gameplay is similar to S4League / MicroVolts, but you play with Gundams in SD form (pretty obvious from the game title). Y'know, super deformed? Yes, kind of "chibi". Leveling up is not that hard. I'm playing in CherryCredits' server (SEA) btw, not the OGP one. And my IGN is as usual, HatsuneShiro.

I think it's some screenies time! Click the image to enlarge and don't forget to click Read more, as always.

--Edit on 22 March, 19:25pm GMT+8: Added 3 more screenshots! Click read more!--

This is what the PvP lobby looks like.

Not just PvP, you can play Co-op (do some missions) as well~

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Such misfortune...

Kemaren siang gw ke taobao.com buat beli DVD EP Tell Your World. Harganya 160元, tambah ongkos kirim 30元 (total = 190元, roughly IDR 275k). Nah biasanya ongkos kirim itu murah (5 - 10an), lah kenapa ini 30? Pake EMS sih, jadi ya gw maklum lah.

Terus tadi sore gw cek2 lagi, barangnya belom di kirim. Gw cek message list gw, lah kenapa dia bilang ga bisa di kirim? Gw translate, kayaknya dia ada bilang harga barangnya berubah.

Setelah gw cek, ternyata... emang bener.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Still Alive!

Gue masih idup! Iye, gw masih idup. Blog ini masih idup. Lama gak ngepost, bener2 lupa abis balik Indo sampe kemaren ditanyain salah seorang temen di sini. Kira2 begini: (F)riend, (G)ue.

F: "Do you have a blog?"
G: *BARU INGET!* "Ooooh yes I do, but I haven't updated it since I came back here to Nanjing."
F: "Okay then, give me the address."
G: "I'll give it to you later when I updated my blog thanks to your reminder."
F: "Okay, cool."
G: "I gotta go, see ya" *ngacir*

Oke aneh abis. Yowes ini juga gw bisa buka blog (tapi FB gak bisa) gara2 di kasihtau WTFast bisa buat browser sama si Prana :p thanks!

--Gambar sebagai welcoming present, these are what I learned today--

Cya later everyone :o