Gue masih idup! Iye, gw masih idup. Blog ini masih idup. Lama gak ngepost, bener2 lupa abis balik Indo sampe kemaren ditanyain salah seorang temen di sini. Kira2 begini: (F)riend, (G)ue.
F: "Do you have a blog?"
G: *BARU INGET!* "Ooooh yes I do, but I haven't updated it since I came back here to Nanjing."
F: "Okay then, give me the address."
G: "I'll give it to you later when I updated my blog thanks to your reminder."
F: "Okay, cool."
G: "I gotta go, see ya" *ngacir*
Oke aneh abis. Yowes ini juga gw bisa buka blog (tapi FB gak bisa) gara2 di kasihtau WTFast bisa buat browser sama si Prana :p thanks!
--Gambar sebagai welcoming present, these are what I learned today--
Cya later everyone :o