Monday, March 19, 2012

Still Alive!

Gue masih idup! Iye, gw masih idup. Blog ini masih idup. Lama gak ngepost, bener2 lupa abis balik Indo sampe kemaren ditanyain salah seorang temen di sini. Kira2 begini: (F)riend, (G)ue.

F: "Do you have a blog?"
G: *BARU INGET!* "Ooooh yes I do, but I haven't updated it since I came back here to Nanjing."
F: "Okay then, give me the address."
G: "I'll give it to you later when I updated my blog thanks to your reminder."
F: "Okay, cool."
G: "I gotta go, see ya" *ngacir*

Oke aneh abis. Yowes ini juga gw bisa buka blog (tapi FB gak bisa) gara2 di kasihtau WTFast bisa buat browser sama si Prana :p thanks!

--Gambar sebagai welcoming present, these are what I learned today--

Cya later everyone :o

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